22 May 2019 by Stephen Piva

Each year Manningham TTC host a Club Championship. To be eligible to participate in 2019, you must be a financial member of the club who has been registered for at least 3 months prior to the Club Championships, and have either (a) attended 10 social nights, or (b) competed in one full pennant season.

This tournament features singles and doubles events, which are conducted across three separate age categories: (1) Junior (under the age of 18 years old); (2) Open; and (3) Veteran (over the age of 50 years old). These events will be conducted at both Manningham DISC and Donburn PS during November, 2019.

Note that the format of each event is dependent upon the number of entries received. Where possible the organising committee will attempt to accommodate all players, however where necessary preference will be given to players based upon the time at which they submitted their completed entry form.

For more information about the 2019 Club Championships, please contact the club secretary, Stephen Piva, on 0406 808 735 or via e-mail at manninghamtt@gmail.com


Manningham DISC, 360-368 Springvale Road, Donvale, VIC, 3111

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