15 Jul 2019 by Stephen Piva

New to Table Tennis? Having trouble with your backhand topspin? Interested in learning a new serve? Getting back into the game? We can help!

Come on down to Manningham DISC (360-368 Springvale Road, Donvale) between 7:00pm and 10:00pm on Tuesday nights for group coaching and training sessions. Our team of nationally qualified coaches are eager to help players of all ages and abilities improve their skills and techniques. Specially-designed programs have been developed by our coaching director, John Ind, who was also named the TTV Coach of the Year for 2018. Please note that the availability of coaching may be limited for Term 3.

For more information about our coaches or to book a coaching / training session, please contact our coaching director, John Ind, on 0437 723 587 or via e-mail at mttc.coaching@gmail.com


Manningham DISC, 360-368 Springvale Road, Donvale, VIC, 3111

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